Record of Briefing

Record of Briefing

The Penrith Local Planning Panel may request to be briefed on a planning proposal by council staff and any other person the panels considered to be relevant. Alternatively, Council staff may request a briefing meeting with the Panel in order to gain advice and advise them of upcoming items for determination.

More information on Panel Briefings can be found in the Local Planning Panels Best Practice Procedure

To view past records of briefings including time, date, attendees and key issues discussed, please select the meeting date drop down below.


The Penrith Local Planning Panel met for a briefing on the following:

Click on a DA number above to visit Council's DA Tracker to view more details about the development application including relevant documentation.

If you have any enquiries regarding past Penrith Local Planning Panel briefings, please contact Katelyn Davies on (02) 4732 7447 or email   for assistance.