Community Safety

Community Safety

Community Safety Plan & Partnership

The Penrith Community Safety Plan 2023 – 2027 identifies priority actions for Council to take, in partnership with others, to create safe, welcoming places with connected communities and improve community safety over the next four years. This Plan captures the actions we are committed to continuing and identifies new, priority actions for Council to deliver with our partners in 2023-2027.

Council connects with DV Safe Phone

Did you know that an old, unused mobile phone can save the life of someone trying to escape domestic violence?

16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a global campaign led annually by UN Women. It runs every year from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day).

Alcohol Free Public Spaces

It is illegal to drink alcohol or have it in your possession in certain areas of our City that Council has identified as alcohol free under the NSW Local Government Act 1993 to help reduce antisocial behaviour.

Report It, Don’t Ignore It

Community safety is everyone’s responsibility. You can help by reporting any crime or suspicious behaviour to the Police Assistance Line (PAL) 131 444.

Community Safety Information

Find contact information and details for services related to safety and wellbeing.


Good Neighbour program

Good relationships can transform communities and knowing our neighbours is important. It makes our neighbourhood safer and also makes us feel better because social connections help prevent loneliness, isolation and depression.