Don’t forget to vote!

Don’t forget to vote!

Sunday, 28 November 2021

This Saturday, 4 December, is Council election day. Voting is compulsory and fines apply, so don’t forget to vote!

When you vote, you will help elect 15 people to represent the Penrith community as Councillors for the next three years.

Councillors work together to make decisions about what Council will do to meet community needs and how money should be spent in the best interests of the whole community, so it’s important to have your say.

It’s not too late to make a pre-poll vote. Pre-poll voting closes on Friday 3 November.

Under the current Public Health Order, voting is an exempt activity, which means unvaccinated residents can vote at pre-polling stations or polling places on election day.

It’s important to remember that if you are voting on election day, Penrith is made up of three wards – North, South and East – and you must vote in your ward. Polling places will be open at local schools and community halls from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 4 December.

In line with the Local Government Act, Council does not promote candidates through any of its channels. A list of candidates is available from Council’s election services provider, the Australian Election Company and information on those standing will be available from local news sources – both in print and online.

Help us stay COVIDSafe. At the pre-poll station or polling place, use the QR check-in, wear a mask, use the single use pencils provided, maintain physical distance and sanitise your hands when you arrive and leave.

To find out your ward and where to vote, go to

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Sunday, 28 November 2021.