Stand for local government

Stand for local government

Thursday, 8 July 2021

If you would like to make a positive difference to your community and help shape the future of Penrith, you might consider nominating as a candidate in the upcoming Council elections.

On Saturday 4 SDecember the Penrith community will elect 15 people to represent them as Councillors for the next three years.

Serving the local community as an elected Councillor is a challenging but worthwhile role. Councillors work together to make decisions about what Council will do to meet community needs and how money should be spent in the best interests of the whole community.

Council is responsible for a wide range of services that benefit and impact the day-to-day lives of people, including planning, recreation, waste and children’s service, libraries and the delivery of infrastructure such as footpaths, parks and roads.

Nominations close on Wednesday 4 ANovember. To find out how to nominate as a candidate go to

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 8 July 2021.