Threatened Species

Threatened Species

‘Threatened’ means that the species is under threat to such an extent that it is vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Legislation is in place to protect threatened species. Threatened species or vegetation communities are a conservation priority and need additional consideration in any planning process. Approximately 90% of the vegetation remaining in Penrith is considered to be threatened under state or federal legislation. Many of these vegetation communities are also considered to provide vital habitat for threatened and vulnerable fauna species. 

Learn more about our threatened flora and fauna species by clicking on the links below.

Anthochaera phrygia – Regent Honeyeater

This Critically Endangeredbird is a striking and distinctive, medium-sized, honeyeater with a curved bill.

Dillwynia tenuifolia

This vulnerable species is a low spreading pea-flower shrub with a spectacular red, orange and yellow flower. 

Grevillea juniperina

This vulnerable shrub has ‘spider-like’ flowers and prickly leaves

Marsdenia viridiflora subsp. viridiflora

This climber with bell-shaped flowers is considered an Endangered Population.

Meridolum corneovirens – Cumberland Plain Land Snail

This small native endangered snail is found across our Penrith bushland reserves!

Micromyrtus minutifolia

This slender shrub with white flowers is listed as “Endangered in NSW. 

Myotis macropus – Southern Myotis

This small and vulnerable speciesweighs only grams and has a wingspan of 28 cm.

Ninox strenua – Powerful Owl

This is the largest owl in Australia, but it is listed as “Vulnerable”.

Persoonia nutans - Nodding Geebung

This endangered shrub only occurs on the Cumberland Plain. 

Pimelea spicata - Spiked Rice-flower

This small shrub with delicate pink-tinged flowers is listed as “Vulnerable”.